Dec 01, 2010
Guest checks sales are going well at Pegasus Ventures as they announced they found a new customer in Covington, Kentucky in Bouquet Restaurant, a 2010 Wine Spectator Award of Excellence Winning Restaurant.
Nov 27, 2010
Pegasus Ventures Michigan announced they won a new customer in Brooklyn, Fort Defiance when they ordered guest checks and cash register rolls from the newly remodeled website.
Nov 18, 2010
Waiter pads on are the way to the folks at Za Restaurant in Pennington, New Jersey. Guest Checks vendor Pegasus Ventures reports another new customer
Nov 17, 2010
Waiter pad seller, Pegasus Ventures, took a new customer and is sending waiter pads to Forest Lake Country Club in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Nov 17, 2010
Guest checks seller Pegasus Ventures earned itself a new customer today from the folks at Library II, a well known restaurant in Voorees, New Jersey
Nov 04, 2010
Grove City, Pennsylvania restaurant Nonni's Corner Trattoria orders napkin bands from Pegasus Ventures/
Oct 29, 2010
Pegasus Ventures, a Grand Rapids, Michigan purveyor of stock and custom printed guest checks sends their 186211-L Guest Check to Chatham's Place in Orlando, Florida.
Oct 26, 2010
Pegasus Ventures, a Grand Rapids Michigan based website designer and restaurant guest checks vendor announces they have a new customer, Camden Harbour Inn, in Camden, Maine.
Oct 25, 2010
Pegasus Ventures ships National Checking Guest Check "Captain 3 part carbonless 12 line waiter pad to wholesaler Gopi Solutions in Florida.
Oct 23, 2010
Pegasus Ventures, a Grand Rapids, Michigan based website design company launched their updated website, allowing for a larger online store and adding new features!