Oct 05, 2015
There is a lot to say regarding the length of time it took to launch .wine and .vin new gTLDs and, most of all, how difficult it has been to protect its wine Geographical Indications (also called "wine GIs").
Jun 18, 2015
A "Cocorico Project" announced at the twentieth anniversary of the Nameshield Group.
May 08, 2015
CEO of ".CLUB" Registry Colin Campbell explains why buying a domain name extension is just the start, making it successful takes a lot of money and perseverance.
Dec 23, 2014
New gTLDs are one of the hot subjects of the moment. They are new identifiers it has become possible to give a domain name for a better recognition. Domains ending in “.club” cover night life and Night Clubs seem to have adopted them.
Dec 04, 2014
Clubs are given new opportunities to exist online and starting with the minimum requirements is now made easier : the right name and the right tool are enough to build a Club website.
Oct 27, 2014
With lessons learnt from the first Round, what does a new applicant need to know to prepare for the coming Round? Which example should he follow to increase his chances of success?
Sep 17, 2014
A good domain name can be difficult to find, in particular when the domain name extension is highly demanded. It is what is happening with .CLUB. Should your Registrar tell you the desired domain name is not available, it is not necessarily true.
Jan 29, 2014
In 2003, the .AERO, .BIZ, .COOP, .INFO and .NAME Registries were just born. The . .MUSEUM Top-Level Domain was born that very year and .ASIA, .CAT, .JOBS, .MOBI, .PRO, .TEL and .TRAVEL did not exist
Jan 06, 2014
Most users who already use websites have heard about domain names and they know what they are. Although .COM domains are already very popular, they are no longer as appealing as they once were...
Jan 06, 2014
La Communauté scientifique n’a qu’à bien se tenir car elle se verra prochainement offrir un “univers” pour communiquer sur Internet: des noms de domaine qui se terminent en .SCIENCE