May 25, 2016
Superfabulous Racerback Tanks wholesale ready to roll out to Boutiques!
Feb 18, 2014
That right! They have started their boot line and will be showcasing it at Rodeo Austin 2014!
May 28, 2013
Team Blake made quite a stir with Blinged Cowboy boot on "The Voice" tonight!
Apr 04, 2013
Jenelle Authur on American Idol rocked some blinged boots; and the rest of the world wants a pair. To get your own you have to look no further than good ole' Texas.
Mar 26, 2013
Sara Evans who sings "Suds in the Bucket," got a sparkle in her eye when she saw Gypsy Luxe boots for the first...
Feb 27, 2013
Gypsy Luxe will be showing blinged boots at the Austin Rodeo during March 2013.
Nov 26, 2012
Gypsy Luxe has maximized the newest wedding trend! Brides in cowboy boots are the hottest wedding trend right now. Gypsy Luxe is taking it to a bigger better more boogee level! Brides + Boots + Swarovski Crystals! Now we are talkin!
Oct 16, 2012
Gypsy Luxe used Swarovski crystals to bring boring boots to boogee life is now opening it's doors for business!