Jan 11, 2020
There are several kinds of learning disabilities in children that affect their academic in addition to social performance. A learning disability isn't a disease. Contrary to popular belief, it isn't a problem with intelligence or motivation.
Jul 17, 2019
Asperger syndrome or Asperger's disorder was first described by Viennese pediatrician Hans Asperger in the year of 1940.
Jul 07, 2019
People with ADD should consume bigger amounts of cannabis so as to reach a sufficient dosage.
Jun 26, 2019
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is known as ADHD. The symptoms typically start to present themselves around age 7, but a lot of children are not correctly diagnosed till they get older.
May 18, 2019
The most asked question is "What causes Autism"? But you can't get the exact answer. There are different symptoms of Autism you can find in your children. Different types of Autism therapies are there. Parents should know more about Autism
Apr 26, 2019
"What causes Autism?" one of the most asked questions when a child is diagnosed with ASD. But unfortunately, there is no particular answer to that. Experts are still uncertain about the causes of Autism Spectrum Disorder. There is no one cause of Autism.
Apr 24, 2019
Happy to Learn is here to provide your child with an appropriate way to live their life independently through ABA-based Behavior therapy.