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The Hutchinson Newsmaker Network Press releases

91 - 96 of 96 Press Releases

Oct 24, 2016
Beethoven, Mozart, Verdi, and Classical Greats Relation with Blacks Explored in Groundbreaking New Book At a public performance at the Augarten Theater in Vienna On May 24, 1803, to premier his freshly minted violin sonata, Ludwig Von Beethoven rushed...

Aug 05, 2016
New eBook Details and Debunks the Mt. Everest High Obstacles that Prosecutors face in Prosecuting Bad Cops

May 16, 2016
New Ebook Details Trump's White House Policies and the Fierce Battles they'll Ignite

Feb 20, 2016
Earl Ofari Hutchinson's The Supreme Court Versus Obama walks through the contentious record and history of the court’s war, spotlights the big ticket cases to illustrate the sharp battle lines, and tells what the stakes are for America.

Jan 04, 2016
The Cosby saga, as the O.J. Simpson saga did two decades earlier, has cast the public’s glare on the issue of race, fame, wealth, and the celebrity status. In Cosby: The Clash of Sex, Race and Celebrity, Hutchinson tells how these issues go beyond

Dec 28, 2011
First African-American West Coast Operated National RadioBroadcast Network Launched in January

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