Dec 14, 2009
A former ATM software designer for a large bank, Demeter created "Trism" in his spare time - and priced at $5, "Trism" earned Demeter $250,000 in profits the first two months of it's release.
Oct 18, 2009
"Joel Comm developed iFart, which in its first few weeks earned him over $10,000 a day!"
Oct 04, 2009
“Success stories such as that of Ethan Nicholas, whose iShoot app has earned him $900,000 in eight months, have only added to the App Store's appeal for would-be iPhone entrepreneurs.”
Sep 28, 2009
Ever wanted to create your very own iPhone application but lacked the necessary skill set? iPhone App Freelancer has created a website where you can submit your application idea and allow freelancers to openly bid.