Jan 25, 2019
10 #ThanksToMaddie Scholarships for the IAABC 2019 Animal Behavior Conference
Sep 12, 2018
IAABC, CCPDT, and APDT join together to become a strong, unified voice for science-based animal behavior work.
Oct 02, 2017
In keeping with their mission to enhance the lives of companion animals and behavior professionals around the world, the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants is announcing three educational events on three different continents.
Sep 27, 2017
The devastation caused by the recent hurricanes over Texas, Florida, Puerto Rica and the Caribbean has resulted in a large number of newly homeless animals being rescued and moved all around the country.
May 22, 2017
We are very excited to announce that the article "Behavior Consulting and Declawed Cats" by Jacqueline Munera, published in the Winter 2016 IAABC Journal, has won a MUSE© award in the category Online Article – Health and General Care.
Nov 07, 2016
We're sharing animal behavior knowledge and best practice, shaping the profession of animal behavior consulting towards higher standards.
Jun 13, 2016
Continuing their expansion into the animal behavior education space, the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) announced the first issue of their new journal, available today.