Jun 02, 2014
Austin, Texas: Filmmaker/author Ian Kane is announcing the official launch event for Rising Storm: Fading Empires Volume I, the debut novel in an epic, fast-paced Dystopian/Survival Horror series.
May 30, 2014
Filmmaker/author Ian Kane is announcing the official launch event for Rising Storm: Fading Empires Volume I, the debut novel in an epic, fast-paced Apocalyptic/Survival Horror series.
May 19, 2014
Ian Kane announces that The Epoch Times has invited him to write a weekly column for the rapidly expanding multi-national newspaper. In the column, Kane’s Corner, Mr.
May 09, 2014
Contact: Ian Kane, Author 323.375.4282 iankanewrites@gmail.com IAN KANE RELEASES RISING STORM: FADING EMPIRES VOLUME I THROUGH ASSENT PUBLISHING May 9, 2014.