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Convean: Startupalooza Press releases

1 - 10 of 14 Press Releases

Jul 29, 2020
Is The Fear of COVID-19 Making You Sick? And Maybe That's a Good Thing!

May 20, 2020
The Takeaways from a Discussion by Tech Execs, Investors and Entrepreneurs: How We are Likely to Change Now and Forever......

Apr 18, 2020
A new article spots a trend that may give solace to millions of Americans.

Sep 20, 2019
Rethinking vaping and teens. People start smoking for a reason: depression, anxiety, ADD and following the leader. Alan Brody Alan Brody is the author of Cigarette Seduction and Quora's #1 writer on tobacco with over 500,000 views

Sep 20, 2019
Rethinking Grade Crossing Warning Devices: After losing my wife at a railroad crossing in suburban NYC, I took a long, hard look at crossings.

Jun 27, 2019
To stave off the rising tide of financial ruin and suicides by New York taxi drivers who purchased outrageously priced taxi "medallions" from the City that have plummeted in value, the City can either buy them back or create a new Taxi Asset Class.

Nov 12, 2018
The "Dean" of startups shows how Investors think and operate in a stunning new series that takes entrepreneurs from capital raising to crowdfunding to raise over $1 million.

Jun 26, 2018
Industry expert joins the Crossing Design Challenge in search of technologies to bring railroad safety up to date.

Jun 15, 2018
The public is invited to design a safer crossing system from the motorists point of view. Increasingly dangerous and outdated, these crossings were never designed for motorists but for ranchers when trains feared cattle herds in rural areas.

Apr 07, 2018
Startup advisor responds to controvesrial article of forlorn love and cultural insensitivity by drawing analogy to struggling startups and cautious Angel Investors.

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