Dec 02, 2010
ICNet International Ltd, provider of infection surveillance and antimicrobial stewardship software, today announced Pat Beyer as its new CEO
Oct 05, 2010
The spectrum of organisms that are to be under mandatory surveillance continues to grow in the UK with MSSA and E.coli joining the list.
Aug 13, 2010
The alarm caused by the NDM-1 superbug study has shown that the NHS needs to be flexible to the surveillance and action against new microbiology threats. This requires an agile and flexible surveillance system for tracking these bugs - ICNet
Jul 16, 2010
ICNet International is delighted to announce a recent contract win at the The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham, UK.
Feb 01, 2010
ICNet International, a world leader in the field of infection control software, announced the upcoming availability of SSI Module.
Aug 27, 2009
ICNet International Ltd, is delighted to announce securing a new contract with the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE). The deal provides a first base for ICNet in the Republic of Ireland and is another crucial step in its global expansion plans.