Jan 18, 2017
Latest turbochargers offer high performance and efficiency for large industrial engines
Jan 13, 2017
As military vessels become even more complex with smaller crew sizes it becomes critical that integrated systems work under the strictest of conditions and are proven and extremely reliable.
Sep 14, 2016
At the recent International Chamber of Shipping conference held in London, its chairman, Esben Poulsson highlighted concerning trends that the shipping and maritime sectors need to be aware of.
Sep 09, 2016
Urgent action needed – sign the petition https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/163742 write to your MP and ask them to put pressure on the treasury to save this national treasure.
Jul 19, 2016
ISO 9001 sets out the requirements for a Quality Management System, helping businesses and organisations to be more efficient.
Jul 14, 2016
SGS United Kingdom Ltd. has announced public training course dates for July - December 2016 with a new brochure from the SGS Academy.
Jul 04, 2016
'The Route to ISO 14001- Avoiding the Pitfalls' booklet is a simple introduction to ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems, outlining revisions and new requirements and has now been updated by SGS United Kingdom Ltd.
Jun 22, 2016
The recent ISO/PC283, Project Committee meeting held on 6 - 10 June in Toronto, Canada has agreed to move forward with the publication of a second Draft International Standard (DIS) for the highly anticipated ISO 45001 standard.
Jun 15, 2016
Ashridge Business School is a centre for management and organisational learning, renowned for its commitment to sustainability and seeking excellence in every aspect of its work.
May 31, 2016
SGS United Kingdom Ltd is one of the first certification bodies in the UK to achieve UKAS accreditation to certify companies to ISO 22301, the standard designed to help organisations respond to an incident that may disrupt or threaten the day-to-day...