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Inlighten Consultancy Press releases

1 - 10 of 19 Press Releases

Apr 09, 2018
How do you approach a problem at hand when you are helping your children with their studies? Are you able to do it right, or do you also panic at times? How do your sessions usually go, and have those been able to help your child? As a parent, you would..

Apr 09, 2018
It's a very common phenomenon for organisations to struggle with improving organisational efficiency& effectiveness. One such simple tool which can come to the rescue is Mind Maps.

Mar 20, 2018
Life is full of stress in some form or the other. Everyone faces it, and this is how it is from the beginning till the end for the most.

Mar 20, 2018
Tony Buzan is credited with introducing the amazing concept of Mind Maps to the world. Rightly so, his contribution has evolved in the world in many more ways than even he would have imagined.

Feb 03, 2018
Parents all around the world often struggle with getting their children to sit down and study for longer intervals. After all, the young minds love exploring new things more than the studies.

Feb 03, 2018
This is one questions which always pops in every parents mind when they see that their children are unable to sit with their books for long.

Jan 09, 2018
Getting the children to hold on to their concentration while studying is a very tedious task. Everyone has been through that stage, so they can always relate and deduce the difficulties related to long hours of studying.

Jan 09, 2018
Many parents often struggle to help their children when it comes to managing their focus on studies. It is a common dilemma that almost every parent faces at some point, and only a few are able to figure the right way out of their own.

Dec 10, 2017
Several parents find it difficult to make their children learn how to focus better on their books and study. This is not uncommon though, and almost every child faces this problem in one way or another.

Dec 10, 2017
Many children struggle with their studies all around the world. Their parents too have a hard time making them sit with books for longer durations.

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