Jun 27, 2012
Intratec brings clear, concise and detailed techno-economic information on a propene dehydrogenation process in its newest report.
Jun 22, 2012
Latest IC Index forecasts a long-term increase in construction costs despite the decrease in steel prices.
Jun 11, 2012
Intratec scrutinizes costs breakdown and profitability of propylene production of an industrial unit, based on a process similar to CB&I Lummus OCT, in its newest publication Propylene Production via Metathesis.
Jun 06, 2012
The economics of a propene technology similar to the Lurgi MTP® and JGC/Mitsubishi DTP® processes are scrutinized by Intratec in its new publication.
May 15, 2012
Intratec signed a 6 year lease term for a package of the most advanced software for process simulation and economic evaluation of chemical process technologies, licensed by Aspen Technology, Inc.
May 07, 2012
The publication presents all relevant information, on both technical and economic sides, of a propene technology similar to CB&I Lummus OCT process.
May 04, 2012
Braskem selected Intratec to continue providing feasibility studies targeting routes for the production of chemicals from renewable resources. Since 2006 Braskem has relied on Intratec studies, which scrutinize the feasibility of such technologies.
Apr 24, 2012
Intratec is offering an online chemical plant construction index, which will enable users to scale capital costs from one time period to another through meaningful historical and forecast data.