Oct 05, 2016
Intrigue Publishing is proud to announce that their newest author, Liza Brown will be in the Youngstown area on Saturday, October 8,2016. Author Liza Brown will be signing copies of her debut novel, Center Courtship.
Aug 19, 2016
Intrigue Publishing is proud to partner with the local Barnes and Noble store in Bowie to host a meet and greet with three of our authos. Scheduled to appear are DB Corey, the author of Chain of Evidence.
Aug 18, 2016
Intrigue Publishing is proud to announce a mini tour of one of its author. Austin Camacho is a local mystery author who believes in going out and promoting his novels and meeting his fans.
Oct 31, 2015
Intrigue Publishing is proud to announce the signing of two authors. Mrs. Jacqueline Seewald hails from Old Bridge, New Jersey but makes her home in Fort Lee, New Jersey and has been writing "since I could hold a pencil". Mrs.
Oct 28, 2015
Intrigue Publishing is proud to announce the signing of another new author. Mrs. Jacqueline Seewald hails from Old Bridge, New Jersey but makes her home in Fort Lee, New Jersey and has been writing "since I could hold a pencil".
Oct 28, 2015
Intrigue Publishing is proud to announce the signing of another new author. Mrs. Jacqueline Seewald hails from Old Bridge, New Jersey but makes her home in Fort Lee, New Jersey and has been writing "since I could hold a pencil".
Oct 20, 2015
Intrigue Publishing is proud to announce the signing of a new Romance author. Ms. Liza Brown hails from Massillon, Ohio and has been writing for about a year. She has written a lot of fan fiction before she knew what the term really meant.
Jul 03, 2015
Intrigue Publishing is proud to announce that they will attend another month of First Sunday Arts Festival in Annapolis Maryland on Sunday, July 5 from 11 am -5 pm. Join Intrigue as they bring you great novels to take to the beach with you.
May 18, 2015
Milwaukee author, Jeffrey Westhoff will release his new novel, The Boy Who Knew Too Much, on June 1, 2015. Jeffrey Westhoff has served as a film critic, feature writer, reporter, and copy editor in his career as a journalist.
May 06, 2015
Penny Clover Petersen has released her second novel in less than two years. As the partner to Roses and Daises and Death, Oh My! She has released another Forrest sister novel. Roses are Dead, My Love has released and Mrs.