Dec 30, 2013
The latest poll of Internet access customers in the United Kingdom has found that 38% of respondents expect to switch broadband ISP in 2014 (up from 32% last year), which stems from dissatisfaction with the support and reliability.
Nov 04, 2013
The latest survey of over 1540 readers of the consumer information website has revealed that 89% of people in the United Kingdom have been visited by a telecoms engineer because of a broadband or phone problem. Sadly 76% said that the
Oct 14, 2013
The latest monthly survey has discovered that 67% of respondents in the United Kingdom want the government to increase its public funding to help more people gain access to even faster broadband connectivity.
Sep 09, 2013
A new survey of 1241 internet connected users in the United Kingdom has reported that more than half (52%) of respondents now claim to gobble over 60GB (GigaBytes) of data via their fixed line broadband ISP connections each month.
Aug 12, 2013
The latest poll of 998 readers of the consumer information site has revealed most people (74%) in the United Kingdom find their fixed phone line to be too expensive and 64% would stop using the line if it wasn't needed for broadband.
Jul 15, 2013
An online study of over 530 people in the UK found that 93% support the regulators (Ofcom) efforts to simplify the process for switching between home broadband ISPs but this shrinks to just 27% when consumers are threatened with additional cost.
Jun 10, 2013
The latest poll of more than 750 online readers of has revealed that 72% of respondents view mobile broadband connectivity as "important" but only a quarter expect future 5G services to replace fixed lines unless key issues are fixed.
May 13, 2013
An online study of over 770 internet based readers in the United Kingdom has found that over a quarter viewed their broadband ISP as expensive and only half would definitely recommend their ISP to others.
Apr 08, 2013
The latest poll has revealed that 81% of respondents would like the United Kingdom to boost funding for national superfast broadband deployments and 62.5% believe that its efforts should be re-focused on connecting rural...
Mar 11, 2013
A new web-based poll conducted with 782 Internet users in the United Kingdom has revealed that over two thirds of respondents (71%) think the government is making "poor" progress towards its goal of improving the country's national broadband...