Janco Associates, Inc. Press releases
Apr 01, 2011
Job growth for IT professionals improved slightly in March with 3,600 new jobs
Mar 21, 2011
CIO Median Tenure is just over 4 years according to Janco -- CIO jobs are not as secure as they used to be
Mar 04, 2011
Job growth for IT professionals still has not rebounded according to analyis by Janco Associates, Inc.
Mar 03, 2011
Janco has just completed an analysis of why Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans failed
Feb 21, 2011
In a review of 215 DR and BC plans Janco found only 25% of them included social networking.
Feb 13, 2011
Internet, PC, PDA, SmartPhone and Workstation HandiGuide version 9.0 has just been released by Janco
Jan 30, 2011
Janco warns that Internet compliance and censorship laws are inevitably used for purposes other than the ones claimed by governments
Jan 26, 2011
Janco’s Disaster Recovery Template Version 6.0 provides more tools and easier implementation of disaster recovery and business continuity plans
Dec 28, 2010
238 Internet and Information Technology job descriptions released in 2011 HandiGuide by Janco and eJobDescription.com