Mar 01, 2011
Jet City Devices has changed their name to Jet City Device Repair to better reflect the nature of their business - which is repairing mobile devices like the iPhone and Droid phones.
Feb 16, 2011
The screen on the HTC Droid Incredible from Verizon can easily be broken when dropped. A new phone costs over $400 but the phone can be repaired for much less. This article is about how to diagnose the exact screen problem and how to get it fixed.
Dec 20, 2010
Jet City Devices now offers screen repairs for Samsung Galaxy S smartphones. While these phones can cost just $100 with a two-year contract, they cost $500 to replace when broken. A Jet City Devices screen repair costs $125. Saving users about $400.
Dec 10, 2010
An HTC Droid Incredible costs $150 with a 2-year contract. If the screen gets broken, it will cost $520 to replace. A full service screen repair from Jet City Devices costs $95 (includes parts, labor, and 90 day warranty). That's a savings of $435.
Nov 03, 2010
Jet City Devices is now offering cracked iPhone 4 repairs for residents in the Chicago, IL area. They will replace the broken glass screen on an iPhone 4 in about 30 minutes at their northwest Chicago office.
Aug 30, 2010
iPhone 4 touch screen, LCD, and back cover replacements are available from Jet City Devices. Cracked iPhones (front or back) will look and work like new again. Mail-in phones are fixed in 24 hours. Chicago & Seattle repairs in under an hour.
Aug 27, 2010
Jet City Devices now offers Motorola Cliq and Motorola Droid glass touch screen repair services from their Chicago repair center. Phones mailed in will be fixed and mailed back in 24 hours. Repairs for Chicagoans can be done in-person in 45 minutes.
Aug 20, 2010
Jet City Devices is now offering professionally done cracked MyTouch Slide screen repairs for $85. Mail-in repairs are completed and mailed back within 24 hours. In-person repairs (Chicago and Seattle only) are done in under 45 minutes.
Apr 07, 2010
Jet City Devices is now offering in-person and mail-in repairs of cracked iPod Touch screens at both of their Chicago locations. Repairs can be done in as little as 15 minutes for just $85 for all versions of the 2nd & 3rd generation iPod Touch.
Dec 10, 2009
Jet City Devices is now offering mail-in repairs for a cracked screen on a T-Mobile Dash 3G (also called the HTC Snap on the Sprint network). The repairs are done within 24 hours, will save owners money, and includes a one year warranty.