Dec 06, 2013
The internet is well and truly a tool that has made lives easier for millions of people all across the world and hence it not a surprise that people can now plan their wedding party with the help of websites.
Nov 19, 2013
Over the years, human beings have come across several eras in which certain aspects of human life defined it and if one has to point at something that defines the era of the present day then it has got to be the different opinions.
Oct 03, 2013
There used to be a time when weddings in India used to be planned and executed by the near and dear ones but most weddings nowadays are fancy affairs which require the help from specialised skills of people who are experts at arranging a wedding.
Sep 05, 2013
As we know that the toughest question in politics is public is with whom and what they will think? How do you get people attention so that they vote you and how to change public and people opinion?
Aug 13, 2013
In every country across the world, the wedding is perhaps the biggest event in any family and in India it is even more so due to the fact that the festivities may go on for more than a month in case of certain marriages.
Aug 12, 2013
Over the years it has been in plain view how much the opinion of the public matters in terms of deciding the destiny of a country in recent years.
Aug 09, 2013
One of the most important things that one needs to ponder upon before planning a trip to any city in the world is to consider the accommodation options.