Jul 25, 2019
Having started the new financial year announcing a strategic partnership with The Agency Group Australia (The Agency), Honan Insurance Group's (Honan) CEO Andrew Fluitsma, said he expects similar bespoke client focused solutions will be considered by...
Jul 16, 2019
Last week's decision by Moreland Council to approve the construction of five triple storey townhouses on a single suburban block on Jukes Road that deliberately excludes the disabled and mobility challenged has set a new housing low for Moreland said...
Jul 07, 2019
Honan Insurance Group's (Honan) Head of Financial & Professional Risks Henry Clark has announced the specialist department has been rebranded to Professional and Executive Risks to better reflect the group's strength, expertise and pro-active...
Jul 01, 2019
Cardena Private Wealth* (Cardena) Managing Director Ray Djani has announced the appointment of Tom McDonald as a partner of the boutique wealth management and advisory firm. In addition, Tom celebrates his tenth year of service with the group.
Jun 24, 2019
Honan Insurance Group's (Honan) Chief Executive Officer Andrew Fluitsma has announced the appointment of Eliza White to the newly created role of Director of Operations – Asia. She will be based in the group's regional head office in Singapore.
Jun 03, 2019
By Mr. Barry J Daniels Former financial planner Founder of PFM Australia Pty Ltd & Alliton Capital Pty Ltd
Jun 02, 2019
Now that we have a new Morrison Federal Government and the implementation of the Hayne Royal Commission (RC) recommendations will be high on the political agenda, what does it mean for the Australian consumer going forward, especially when retirement...
May 19, 2019
Obtaining insurance cover in the coming year and beyond will be a very costly undertaking and a significant challenge for businesses within the construction and associated industries.
May 13, 2019
Walking to an appointment in Kuala Lumpur I was quite literally stunned and stopped dead in my tracks when my business associate asked 'if anyone had ever pointed out to me that I walked like an Aussie'.
May 05, 2019
Malaysia's housing, property and affordable housing sectors (including the business community) are benefiting from a government led environment that is focussing on the three Cs…Certainty, Consistency and Clarity in its macro-economic policies and...