Mar 16, 2022
k-Space Associates, Inc. is excited to share that they shipped a custom metrology system that measures thin-film thickness for vertically loaded samples.
Jan 11, 2022
k-Space Associates, Inc., a leader in metrology tools for research and production facilities, increased its 2021 thin-film metrology sales by 30% compared to 2020, making it a record-breaking sales year.
Dec 13, 2021
Metrology manufacturer, k-Space Associates, Inc., is proud to introduce their newest thin-film metrology product, kSA ACE (Atomic Control for Epitaxy).
Dec 01, 2021
k-Space Associates, Inc. has added an exciting new feature to the kSA Emissometer that will make it an even more effective tool for detecting defects in MOCVD wafer carriers.
Nov 09, 2021
k-Space Associates, Inc. is excited to announce that they recently received a large order for solar panel edge profile metrology systems.
May 12, 2021
System Will Detect Color Defects Early in Glass and Solar Industries
May 05, 2021
As k-Space Associates, Inc. continues to expand their industrial metrology product line, they are excited to introduce the newest addition, the kSA XRF (X-ray fluorescence).
May 03, 2021
k-Space Associates, Inc. is excited to announce the release of kSA SpectR, a complete non-contact metrology solution for measuring absolute spectral reflectance, L*a*b* color parameters, and growth rate.
Jan 26, 2021
k-Space Associates, Inc. is proud to announce that they shipped five glass breakage and defect detection metrology systems to the U.S. and Asia for a large international manufacturing customer.
Jan 05, 2021
k-Space is proud to announce the addition of a new accessory, kSA Insight, for their metrology tools. This tool allows researchers and operators to view their wafers and platen in real-time from within the k-Space software.