Oct 28, 2012
This is another taxpayer funded organization that in what appears to be an illegal act, is endorsing, and funding a political candidate. Is this what our tax money should be spent on?
Oct 25, 2012
Atlanta Mayor, Kasim Reed once again disappoints anyone that wants our constitutional rights to be honored. Because he can't run his life with integrity, he wants to ban websites that talk about him.
Oct 14, 2012
When you hear the phrase “Your Vote Counts”, this probably isn't what you think of.
Oct 12, 2012
Several months ago, Snellville councilman Mike Sabbagh went in front of the Marietta city council to ask for a special consideration for a friend. This violated the city code of ethics.
Oct 12, 2012
Since taking office as Snellville Georgia's mayor, Kelly Kautz as been nothing more than an embarrassment to the citizens of Snellville. Perhaps after getting the city sued, the citizens will find a way to get rid of her.
Apr 10, 2010
The Private Scam and How it Works. Why do Americans continue allowing this theft by a private ,secret , diabolical bank like this one?