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Givens Givens Sparks, PLLC Press releases

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May 25, 2012
Founding partner of Givens Law Group, Attorney Stann W. Givens, was recently selected by his peers for inclusion in the 2012 edition of SuperLawyers in the specialty of Family Law.

Nov 09, 2011
Attorney Joanna Chapman has recently joined the legal team at the Tampa divorce and family law firm of the Givens Law Group. There, she hopes to continue her practice in helping clients in all the delicate matters related to family law.

Mar 01, 2011
With accounts of financial infidelity leading to divorce in the Tampa area, divorce attorney Stann Givens offers advice to couples.

May 01, 2009
Givens Law Group has partnered with leading web design and web marketing company to create a new website and five niche sites targeted at bringing their firm to individuals in Florida who are in need of legal assistance in the area of family law.

Givens Givens Sparks, PLLC RSS Feed