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LanguageCorps Asia Press releases

11 - 16 of 16 Press Releases

May 04, 2012
In the 21st century, online learning will constitute 50% of all learning and education. The rapid rise of learning on the Internet will occur not because it is more convenient, cheaper, or faster, but because cognitive learning on the Internet.

May 03, 2012
"IT was Beijing's wealth of opportunity that made me want to come here to work," says Mao Yihui, a bespectacled, round-faced, close-cropped Italian, fluent in Chinese. Mao currently works as English editor on a website in Beijing.

May 01, 2012
We have become convinced that in our nation's struggling urban schools, teachers and would-be education reformers are battling through a hurricane that shows no signs of abating. We call this hurricane "churn."

Apr 30, 2012
China Is Still The Best Place To Find A Job. I said way back in December that expats are better off looking for a job in China than they would be back in their home lands.

Apr 28, 2012
Learning a Second Language When and Why? Can studying a second language in elementary school boost student achievement in other academic areas? Numerous studies suggest that this may be the case.

Apr 28, 2012
How We Learn a Skill: The Journey from Novice to Master. Whether you’re an educator or a student, manager or new employee, knowledge of the four stages of skill mastery can help you know where you are in your craft, and how far you’ve got to go.

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