Mar 02, 2023
Trying to buy a house right now is extremely stressful, more so than usual. Bigging wars are at an all-time high, which is making the market spike in price. Due to this, buying a home is harder and more expensive than ever before.
Jan 10, 2023
Renovating a commercial space involves professionalism. Meaning that hiring highly professional contractors who are well versed in commercial construction is important.
Jan 05, 2023
A common question asked to Lions Den Construction is if kitchen renovations will genuinely boost the value of a home.
Dec 19, 2022
Do you want to begin building your custom dream home? Luckily, we have some great tips to offer you before you begin building. They will help you save money by avoiding costly mistakes.
Dec 08, 2022
If you don't know what the design build model is, this is where everything you could possible need is found in one team. Inclded would be your architecture team, engineering team, and construction team.
Dec 02, 2022
When it comes to renovations for your basement, the opportunities for change and design are truly limitless. The most complicated thing that needs to be done is sitting yourself down and determining how exactly you want the space remodeled.
Oct 19, 2022
When you want to undergo a commercial construction project, you want to be sure you are picking the proper person for the project.
Oct 06, 2022
If you ever feel like you don't have enough room in your home, you should consider building an addition. You can build onto your home in a multitude of different ways.
Oct 04, 2022
With the world constantly shifting and transforming, so are the medical clinics and facilities within it as well.
Sep 07, 2022
Renovations can be expensive. In times when money is particularly tight, you need to think smart and plan your money wisely. We have some good ideas for how you can have an affordable restaurant renovation.