Nov 16, 2012
Company credits PPL and Commmonwealth Energy Group for their assistance in leading it down the path to green energy efficiency.
Oct 23, 2012
A Pennsylvania-based energy consulting firm focused on the retrofitting and installation of energy-saving LED lighting systems partners with an international manufacturer, seller and distributor of energy products and solutions.
Oct 09, 2012
In her latest refusal to debate Liz Forrest, Democratic challenger for State Representative in the 189th District of Pennsylvania, Rep. Rosemary Brown has declined an invitation to debate at a museum closely identified with President Abraham Lincoln.
Sep 26, 2012
Women’s Health Care Champion gets rousing support in race for State Representative in the 189th District.
Sep 26, 2012
Democratic candidate for State Representative formally challenged opponent to three debates to take place throughout the 189th District, stating that all voters won't have access to a forum currently scheduled on Cable TV.
Sep 25, 2012
Democratic candidate for State Representative in the 189th District says co-payments would be financially burdensome for most Pennsylvania children on Medical Assistance.
Sep 29, 2011
Chamber of Business & Industry partners with Commonwealth Energy Group to move city forward with electrical makeover that saves money and is good for the environment.
Sep 13, 2011
Pike County Commissioner Karl Wagner has kicked off his fall campaign by announcing the appointment of a prominent Delaware Township Democrat to chair his re-election campaign, and the creation of a campaign web site and Facebook page.