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Markethive Press releases

1 - 6 of 6 Press Releases

Jul 21, 2021
Among the sea of over 4,000 crypto currencies, Markethive's hivecoin represents the first and only inbound marketing platform comprised of a decentralized social network, blogging, video, and broadcasting platform built on the blockchain.

Dec 31, 2018
Markethive CEO makes a bold move to accept Bitcoin based on current projections as valued at $15,000 in his end of year prelaunch crowdfunding for limited ILP shares.

Aug 24, 2018
FROM SOCIAL NETWORK TO MARKET NETWORK As Markethive prepares to become a leading social network for entrepreneurs, next to the vision implementation, developing the marketing and engineering departments is primary in focus.

Aug 22, 2018
When Thomas Prendergast, CEO and Douglas Yates, CTO completed the Markethive whitepaper to begin the journey of providing Universal income for all entrepreneurs across the world, they laid out a roadmap on how Markethive is getting from here to there.

Jul 22, 2018
Markethive focuses on empowering entrepreneurs through the advantages of the blockchain.

Jun 06, 2018
The rise of the entrepreneur and the fall of destructive forces in our social platforms are here now. Markethive is creating a "Universal Income" for entrepreneurs.

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