Sep 06, 2008
Technology Distinguishes Collision on Wheels in Phoenix, Arizona, from other Auto Body, Dent Repair and Scratch Repair Businesses
Sep 02, 2008
DVW receives an overwhelming amount of thanks and gratitude from satisfied customers who appreciate the technician’s concern for their safety
Sep 02, 2008
“Don’t Let Your Dryer Start a Fire, Keep Your Home Safe & Sound” are part of Dryer Vent Wizard’s ongoing campaign promoting dryer vent safety & fire protection
Sep 02, 2008
Entrepreneur Provides Dryer Fire Prevention and Maintenance Tips to Consumers
Aug 30, 2008
Ted is committed to 100% customer satisfaction and assurance that his clients are adequately covered with liability insurance based on their individual lifestyle and how much they have to lose in the event of an unfortunate occurrence
Aug 30, 2008
Special and unique programs are in place for assisting distressed homeowners and seniors who find it difficult to stretch their pension in today’s economy
Aug 26, 2008
Collision on Wheels is a collision auto body shop that travels to the customer to provide same-day, on-site dent repair and paint to like new condition
Aug 26, 2008
Collision on Wheels mobil auto body shop is the newest trend to save consumers time and money on minor auto body work; no need to leave vehicle in the shop for days
Aug 26, 2008
Collision on Wheels is a collision auto body shop on wheels, in which the repair shop travels to the customer to perform minor dent repairs and repaint the repaired area to match perfectly
Aug 25, 2008
Real Estate Agents and other people who use their vehicles for business appreciate the time and money saving benefits of using this company for minor auto body repairs