Apr 23, 2013
Boston bomb attacks are kid stuff compared with nuclear terror potential by oppressed minorities in about 40 different countries. Extensive coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings only diverts attention from North Korea and Iran nuclear developments
Apr 05, 2013
"How They Stopped Hitler's Nuclear Weapons Development Program" is a fictional story by Bohdan O.
Apr 02, 2013
Bohdan O. Szuprowicz, President of 21st Century Research, and author of six print books as well as eight E-Titles, will only publish E-Books in the future.
Mar 28, 2013
The acquisition by Yahoo of the Summly application developed by 17 year old Nick D'Aloisio focuses attention on an artificial intelligence revolution taking place in the publishing industry. Bohdan O.
Mar 27, 2013
This is only one of a dozen of stories describing the life of a child and teenager and his involvement with guns taking place in Scotland during WW2. It is part of a series of E-Books "Stop and Think About Guns in Your Life" by Bohdan O. Szuprowicz
Mar 23, 2013
The author, Bohdan O. Szuprowicz, draws almost exclusively on his own experiences. He is neither a gun collector nor gun enthusiast, and has never served in any military or armed force of any kind.
Mar 03, 2013
"Stop and Think About Guns in Your Life" is a series of 5 E-Books dealing with effects of guns during childhood, teenage years, young adulthood, maturity and old age. An E-Book about meetings after death with dead gun victims and suicides is planned
Feb 03, 2013
Bohdan O. Szuprowicz published a unique form of memoir which focuses exclusively on specific events that exposed the writer to various types of firearms and weapons in a whole gamut of situations that took place in many different parts of the world.
Jan 22, 2013
This is a new memoir approach to describe how presence and use of guns influences and affects a lifetime without any initiatives from persons involved and how it develops a certain state of mind and convictions in those exposed to such experiences
Jan 06, 2013
This is a form of unusual, controversial, and fascinating memoir, written by a person who is not a gun user or collector, but was nevertheless exposed to guns of many types in numerous situations due to circumstances in most cases beyond his control.