Jan 23, 2012
We are the only Center in our area that has a fully equipped dental office on site, with certified dental hygienists and an experienced dentist all at very low cost. Maintaining good physical as well as mental health is a priority here.
Jul 04, 2011
SESCIL offers low-cost dentist services and is staffed by a licensed dentist and two accredited hygienists to help seniors with their dental needs three days a week.
Apr 16, 2010
SESCIL, based in Englewood, New Jersey, has begun a project in the spring of 2010 to link its website to each of the websites of its neighboring boroughs, towns and cities in order to promote greater interconnectivity, usage and exchange of ideas.
Feb 08, 2009
The Southeast Senior Center for Independent Living (SESCIL), 228 Grand Avenue, Englewood, NJ, has a New Year's resolution for 2009 - to keep its seniors active and healthy. It intends to achieve that through a regular exercise regimen for its members
Jan 23, 2009
In the New Year, SESCIL rolls out its team of professionals that delivers low-free dentistry at the Senior Center in Englewood to hundreds of seniors in Bergen County, New Jersey.
Jan 15, 2009
Taxes and changes to the 2008 tax rules that might affect seniors will be the subject of two group discussions in January and February 2009. In addition, any new Stimulus package passed by the Federal government will be explained in detail.
Nov 11, 2008
Belly Dancing is an ideal form of exercise for Seniors. It promotes both fitness and fun, and has become one of the most popular forms of weekly exercise in Northern New Jersey locations, including the Southeast Senior Center for Independent Living.
Mar 02, 2008
You have read the headlines and heard the news on the Subprime Crisis. How can seniors on fixed incomes understand and survive in these times? SESCIL hosts a monthly Finance / Investment discussion group aimed at such issues relevant to seniors.