Jan 21, 2015
Vote for the Midas Mount Camera Support video in the Microsoft Small Business Contest to help the company secure a $20,000 grant from Microsoft.
Dec 01, 2014
25 percent off all of the SkaterailSlider products at MidasMount.com
Dec 18, 2013
Big savings on the SnapFocus and other camera support gear for DSLR, RED, BMCC and other digital filmmaking formats.
Sep 17, 2013
Midas Mount Camera Support Systems offers a 20% discount on the revolutionary SnapFocus Follow Focus system for educators and students.
Apr 24, 2013
To announce the release of their all-new SnapFocus Follow Focus System, Midas Mount Camera Support Systems offers filmmakers a limited time offer on their complete line of filmmaking gear.
Apr 08, 2013
The SnapFocus Follow Focus System is this year's most revolutionary filmmaking technology. With lever-actuated, grip-level focus control for handheld filmmaking, the SnapFocus is the most intuitive filmmaking experience available.
Nov 19, 2012
Fulfillment of Kickstarter Project SnapFocus Follow Focus System by Brandon David Cole
Jun 27, 2012
Up-and-coming music video directors will have a unique opportunity to make a name for themselves with the SnapFocus Music Video Series.
Jun 18, 2012
A device called the ‘SnapFocus’ invented to help indie filmmakers has attracted attention of Hollywood studio directors including JJ Abrams.
Jun 16, 2012
A Kickstarter project called the SnapFocus is backed by major studio filmmakers and helps a Culver City business get off the ground.