Feb 08, 2013
With 600 golf courses and counting, China is rapidly becoming a major player in the world of golf. They also have the world’s largest golf resort
May 17, 2012
Many dream of coming here while the lucky ones never forget. With Presidents and movie stars on the guest list and names of famous players that reads like a “Who’s who” in golf, one does not simply "go to Turnberry", one "arrives…"
Mar 01, 2012
Great Golf Magazine, the only Luxury Golf Travel & Lifestyle Publication in the UK will in the next issue, launch a Golf Property Section complete with 5+ page feature on a selected Golf Property Development.
Jun 30, 2011
With sun kissed beaches, sleepy picturesque villages and warm welcoming people, the Algarve is the quintessential holiday destination. And with some of Europe's best and most magnificent golf courses, the setting is complete.
Feb 10, 2011
Ok, jeg vet hva du tenker, Mongolia - er det ikke der folk bor i Yurts og rir hester? Vel, jo da, men de rir også høyt på en boom som skyldes mengdene av mineralreserver som er funnet i landet.
Feb 01, 2011
Ok, I know what you are thinking, Mongolia, don't they live in Yurts and ride horses? Well, yes, but also they happen to be riding high on a boom caused by the wealth of mineral reserves found to be in the country.
Jan 10, 2011
Det endelige tidspunktet for selskaper til å omregistrere seg i det nye systemet er nå utvidet til 31. desember 2011. Det er rapportert at kun en brøkdel av bulgarske selskaper faktisk ville ha klart å overholde fristen.
Jan 07, 2011
The final date for companies to re-register on the new system has been extended to 31st December 2011. It is reported that only a small fraction of Bulgarian companies actually would have made the deadline.
Dec 01, 2010
Breathtaking mountains, deep fjords with cascading waterfalls that plummet into the sea below. Does this sound like something to stimulate the imagination? Well, then why not abandon the beaches of southern Europe this summer and head north.
Nov 19, 2010
January 2010 could have a shock in store for foreigners who fail to re-register the companies that they set up as vehicles to buy property in Bulgaria.