Feb 10, 2023
The Milunova brothers and their 75 year old Guatemalan American father invent device to protect spigots, which among other things, can be used to stop your dog from licking the water cooler faucet.
Nov 28, 2021
Houston - Pupr Pals™ Nutjob is the first of a kind plush squirrel dog toy that can be worn on the arm as a puppet, while having protective and stimulating features for interactive play.
Aug 30, 2021
The Milunova brothers and dogs attend the SuperZoo pet trade show in a sprint to meet customer demand.
Jun 28, 2021
Houston - Stop & Go™ bag rolls are the first pet waste bags to feature a stoplight color scheme of green, yellow, and red on the last three bags to give an intuitive warning before running out.
May 02, 2021
A potentially harmful strain of bacteria was found on a five gallon water jug spout after a refill trip. Water store goers may think twice about transporting their containers without a protective cap or barrier.
Feb 22, 2021
The chapstick holder is no longer just an item of utility. It has evolved into a fashion statement.