Feb 12, 2015
Minesoft, the global patent information solutions provider, has announced the launch of a new web-based Tracker service for monitoring the INPADOC legal status of patents.
Sep 24, 2014
PatBase Express, the online searchable patent database created by Minesoft and RWS Group, benefits from powerful new Patent Analytics software, a Corporate Tree feature and sophisticated patent Legal Status review functionality
Sep 23, 2014
PatBase Express - the online searchable patent database created by Minesoft and RWS Group - has been redesigned to provide a seamless and consistent user experience across multiple devices and platforms.
Jul 09, 2014
Minesoft announces the launch of a brand new service for automatically monitoring newly published patent citations
Jan 28, 2014
Minesoft and RWS Group introduce sophisticated new Legal Status review tools and a Similarity Search to PatBase, the global patent database.
Sep 12, 2013
Minesoft and RWS Group today announce important advances in patent Legal Status Searching in PatBase, the global patent family database
Sep 04, 2013
Minesoft and RWS Group today announced the release of a Chinese-language version of PatBase, the global patent database
Apr 29, 2013
Minesoft and RWS Group today announced the addition of important new Asian patent collections to further strengthen their global patent database, PatBase.
Nov 06, 2012
Minesoft and IET Launch Minesoft Inspec: a dynamic new web platform for IET Inspec’s Science and Engineering research database from Minesoft, global patent information specialists.
Jun 11, 2012
Minesoft and RWS announce a new co-operation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - WIPO'S innovative Cross-Lingual Information Retrievel (CLIR) service has been added to PatBase, enhancing patent retrieval in different languages