Feb 13, 2013
MyLife product is expected to improve access to insurance, especially among the lower segment of the population in Uganda.
Jan 04, 2013
Mobile payment platform MobiCash and KCB Bank in Rwanda have launched BioCash, a financial service that uses a fingerprint scanner to authenticate users.
Jan 03, 2013
Le bas de la pyramide économique présente un secteur de croissance important pour les banques dans les marchés émergents. De nombreuses tentatives pour craquer cette opportunité ont échoué en raison du manque d'appréciation des technologies
Jan 03, 2013
The implementation of fingerprint-banking means that every citizen could virtually and instantly be included in the financial space and connect fingerprint to a virtual bank account.
May 04, 2012
MobiCash's mobile financial service has launched today MCash in Uganda in partnership with Housing Finance Bank (HFB).
Feb 15, 2012
MobiCash partners with Warid Congo for the launch of a Mobile Money solution in Congo (Brazzaville)