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1 - 10 of 18 Press Releases

Sep 17, 2010
Professionals share lot many business cards with each other and it becomes tedious to manage so many cards creating data base manually finding them on social networking sites etc.

Sep 10, 2010
Its finally the end of the summer season everywhere and the beautiful ‘autumn’ is about to begin. So let us have a glance at some of the best iPhone apps which can come handy for you in exporing outdoors.

Sep 10, 2010
Android App of the Day, which is accessible both on Android devices and via the Web site, provides consumers with a simple and hassle-free way to discover new apps for free or at a discount.

Sep 09, 2010
So, as to help you in clutter-freeing the tense mobile apps world, we bring to you “Must-Have iPhone 4 apps” of 2010, where you will find best apps for your phone and can even download them in your mobile.

Sep 07, 2010
Mobile apps hub brings to you the best " Windows mobile apps" of 2010 in our "TOP 10 apps" series continuation. Here you can check out the best apps for windows mobile and even download them on your mobile.

Sep 06, 2010
It allows users to select different conversation styles, change font type and size, add the quick reply ability, blacklist a contact, customize the way SMS is displayed, search SMS and attach pictures or multimedia files to the text message.

Sep 03, 2010
Whether you are looking to pick the perfect color(s) for your house, or just looking to have fun with your pics, with iPhone's Pixelate you can enjoy its unique ability to selectively paint-over a specific color.

Sep 02, 2010
Nowadays, its pretty common that different smartphones be it Android, iPhone or BlackBerry, all of them comes with inbuilt camera apps. But almost all of them lacks a feature or two.

Sep 01, 2010
Now Apple iPhone will act as "stethoscope" for doctors to check your heart beat. One of the amazing and outstanding health apps from App store.

Aug 27, 2010
Google is adding a free e-mail feature that may persuade more people to cut the cords on their landline phones.

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