Aug 16, 2012
Leading Esoteric Author and Mode of Cosmic Therapy Executive Cosmic Psycho-Analytic Therapist, Paula Andrea Pyle, M.A., hits the ground running with another Blockbuster Young Adult Fantasy Book.
Sep 15, 2011
Passion rules the world, without it, the world and everyone quits spinning. Human beings are motivated and generated by authentic raw desire to connect and express. Sacred sensual artistic sexual energy formulates passion found in books, art, music.
Aug 07, 2011
Embracing Ancient Esoteric Wisdom, which includes Astrology, as a primary principle for holistic integration into the human being, must be adopted into the world of experimental learning if we are to survive and contrive the raising of consciousness.
Aug 05, 2011
The sun, moon, stars, planets, universe and man are extremely old but share a relationship that is undenibly intimate. A vibrating course of their interwined destiny continues to baffle, astound and mystify all MODE Esoteric psycho-analytic astrology
Jul 26, 2011
Paula Andrea Pyle, MA Founder and Director of Mode of Cosmic Therapy announces the new release of a ground-breaking Esoteric Psychology Book that bridges esoteric psychology, astrology and adult education.
Jul 13, 2011
Paula Andrea Pyle, MA, Executive Cosmic Therapist, offers a highly charged, fully animated, interactive, humorously energetic, informative, practical, Esoteric Psycho-Analytic Seminar to help you define what’s really going on inside.
May 13, 2011
In the fast paced technicological world of instant access information, new "ways and means" of becoming esoterically educated enables one to function more effectively and productively. No longer is one afforded the opportunity to be ill prepared.
Apr 18, 2011
Paula Andrea Pyle, MA the innovator of Mode of Cosmic Therapy, an esoteric psycho analytic self exploration, discovery, emancipation and embracing philosophy. In order to get free, one must realize he is bound. Tied to suppositions and expectations.
Apr 18, 2011
Enlightenment remains as the ability to acknowledge, accept and embrace your sacred life exactly as it unfolds each moment. Healing and Prosperity are generated from the same divine source YOU.
Mar 04, 2011
Relationships are psycho-analytic in nature and should be treated as such. Always remember there is not just one or two people in the involvement, but a third silent invisible esoteric partner who influences the relationship between the two.