Jul 31, 2014
NashvilleChristian.com is now permanently SHUT DOWN and has been completely REMOVED from the Internet. This is a short explanation of our journey and the REASONS WHY this website was terminated.
May 11, 2012
COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: This is a Nashville residential roofing review of Elite Roofing Company of Nashville by one of their customers. As a result of this job, Elite Roofing caused extensive water damage to the home and have still NOT paid for repairs.
Aug 24, 2010
This is the outline for our weekly Nashville events podcast, from Tuesday August 24th through Wednesday September 1st, 2010. The submission deadline for next weeks broadcast is 5pm on Friday August 27th. Submit your events at NashvilleChristian.com.
Aug 17, 2010
This is the outline for our weekly Nashville events podcast, from Tuesday August 17th through Wednesday August 25th, 2010. The submission deadline for next weeks broadcast is 5pm on Friday August 20th. Submit your events at NashvilleChristian.com.
Aug 10, 2010
This is the outline for our weekly Nashville events podcast, from Tuesday August 10th through Wednesday August 18th, 2010. The submission deadline for next weeks broadcast is 5pm on Friday August 13th. Submit your events at NashvilleChristian.com.
Aug 03, 2010
This is the outline for our weekly Nashville events podcast, from Tuesday August 3rd through Wednesday August 11th, 2010. The submission deadline for next weeks broadcast is 5pm on Friday August 6th. Submit your events at NashvilleChristian.com.
Jul 20, 2010
This is the outline for our weekly Nashville events podcast, from Tuesday July 20th through Wednesday July 28th, 2010. The submission deadline for next weeks broadcast is 5pm on Friday July 23rd. Submit your events at NashvilleChristian.com (FREE).
Jul 13, 2010
This is the outline for our weekly Nashville events podcast, from Tuesday July 13th through Wednesday July 21st, 2010. The submission deadline for next weeks broadcast is 5pm on Friday July 16th. Submit your events at NashvilleChristian.com (FREE).
Jul 10, 2010
This is the outline for our weekly Nashville events podcast, from Tuesday July 7th through Wednesday July 14th, 2010. The submission deadline for next weeks broadcast is 5pm on Friday July 9th. Submit your events at NashvilleChristian.com (FREE).
Jun 30, 2010
This is the outline for our weekly Nashville events podcast, from Tuesday June 29th through Wednesday July 7th, 2010. The submission deadline for next weeks broadcast is 5pm on Friday July 2nd. Submit your events at NashvilleChristian.com (FREE).