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Arbor Books, Inc. Press releases

121 - 130 of 250 Press Releases

Jun 13, 2009
Arbor Books (, the largest and oldest ghostwriting firm in the world, announced the addition of more business writers to its roster.

Jun 13, 2009
While print on demand (POD) offers an alternative to some self-publishers, it is falling short of meeting the expectations of authors and book buyers alike, according to publishing experts.

Jun 13, 2009
Memoirs are still the hottest genre in the publishing industry, according to experts, so if you’re asking, “How do I tell my story?” then you’re in luck.

May 27, 2009
Though we are approaching the eighth anniversary of 9/11, many New Yorkers are still dealing with the events of that day in the form of health problems.

May 26, 2009
President Barack Obama has set aside $70 million for 9/11 health programs as part of his budget for 2010.

May 20, 2009
Researchers at DePauw University have found that people with weak smiles are five times more likely to be divorced at some point in their lives than people who smile enthusiastically—people the lead researcher said had “big, toothy smiles.”

May 19, 2009
The recession has put countless families under increased financial strain, one of the leading causes of divorce.

May 15, 2009
The newly appointed archbishop of New York recently added fuel to the debate over clerical celibacy.

May 15, 2009
Despite its insistence on celibate priests, the Catholic Church is opening its arms to married priests who convert from other denominations, causing some to question the necessity of celibacy in the first place.

May 13, 2009
Advocates for a change in the Catholic Church’s stance on celibacy have found support in a bishop recently appointed to the diocese of Bozen-Brixen in Italy.

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