Aug 04, 2010
Secure email service providers often promote “private, secure free email accounts”. But watch out and check the details and features when comparing services!
Aug 03, 2010
Was DE-Mail und E-Postbrief anbieten gibt es bei anderen sicheren Diensteanbietern, wie Opolis Secure Mail, schon längst, mit mehr Möglichkeiten, auch außerhalb Deutschlands, und gratis!
Jul 28, 2010
Der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte Schaar sieht eine schwere Sicherheitslücke bei DE-Mail, die bei anderen sicheren Diensteanbietern, wie Opolis Secure Mail, nicht auftreten.
Jul 27, 2010
Opolis Secure Mail ist eine gratis Variante zu De-Mail und bietet darüber hinaus noch weitere Funktionen.
Jul 25, 2010
“Free Email with Privacy” is a slogan used by several secure email providers. But check out the details and features when comparing services.
Jul 24, 2010
Secure email services do not pose a dilemma, as a 2003 ETH Zurich paper suggests, but rather meet today´s security demands in regards to mail and document messaging.
May 27, 2010
Sending large files and documents over the internet via email is usually limited to 10-12MB. Opolis Secure Mail is all changing that.
May 18, 2010
Using the services of secure email providers, such as Opolis, is a simple and safe way to protect individuals against potential privacy invasion.
Apr 29, 2010
Just recently the online edition of “Der Spiegel” ran an article about the trial of 20 year old student David Kernell, who hacked Sarah Palin´s Yahoo account back in 2008. If Ms Palin had only used Opolis this probably would not have happened.
Apr 06, 2010
A massive security breach in October 2009 reportedly involving Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo mail accounts should lead the path to using additional secure Email services, such as Opolis.