Jan 11, 2012
As far as a U.S. citizen making contributions to their country, few if any compare to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King expert provide stellar speeches, panel discussions and interviews to diverse audiences throughout the U.S. and the world.
Jan 11, 2012
It's not every day someone gives away something free, motivational speaker and author Paul Lawrence Vann is doing just that. Living on Higher Ground is an inspirational book that help people going through challenging times to cope.
Jan 10, 2012
During these challenging times with so many people screaming for jobs, pay equity, Occupy Wall Street and other social issues, if Dr. King was alive today, he would make a difference. Discover what Dr. King would do if he were alive today.
Aug 01, 2011
Take control of your own destiny by conducting high impact Money Mastery teleseminars as a speaker, author, service professional, consultant, coach and women owned business. Help get America back on solid financial footing through your expertise.
Mar 15, 2011
It's official, the book 101 Great Ways To Enhance Your Career has officially launched today!
Mar 12, 2011
Over 100 of the World's Leading Career Experts have joined together to give you the complete collection of 101 insider secrets that show you how to instantly and positively enhance your career!
Jan 10, 2011
Discover how the tools of the trade (technology) can enhance your business and personal life with commentary from Paul Lawrence Vann & Elayna Fernandez
Jan 05, 2011
Dream Walkers Shonika Proctor and Matias Gonazlez discuss how they are sharing entrepreneurship expertise to teens in Puerto Montt, Chile and what it takes to live one's dream in Latin America
Jan 02, 2011
It didn't take long for the fresh new vibe of The Wealthy Speaker Show to resonate with listeners from throughout the U.S., talk radio never sounded so good
Dec 29, 2010
Executive Producer/Host, Paul Lawrence Vann & Special Co-Host, Elayna Fernandez kick off a fresh and exciting New Year's Day broadcast of The Wealthy Speaker Show