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PBJ Learning Press releases

1 - 10 of 16 Press Releases

Apr 18, 2023
Texas Hospitality Industry Awareness TX HB 390: New Training Program to Combat Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry

Dec 09, 2022
Co-founder of Foster Innovations joins human trafficking prevention training leadership

Oct 06, 2022
Vast Human Trafficking Knowledge Vault Hits New Educational Content Landmark

Jul 15, 2022
Human Trafficking Educational Team Share Recent Public Awareness and Professional Training Achievements

Jul 11, 2022
Vast Human Trafficking Knowledge Vault Hits New Educational Content Landmark

Jun 23, 2022
PBJ Learning joins 9th Circuit Amicus Brief to support trafficking survivor whose case against Craigslist was dismissed on CDA 230 grounds

Jun 02, 2022
Prodigious Human Trafficking Knowledge Vault Hits New Milestone

Feb 18, 2022
Journal of Holistic Nursing Author and Certified Nurse Educator Joins Human Trafficking Prevention Training Leadership

Feb 17, 2022
The Reality of How a Child Can go From Innocent to Fooled to Trafficked

Jan 01, 2022
College of DuPage Criminal Justice Students Increase Understanding of Human Trafficking

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