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Performance Transformation, LLC Press releases

41 - 50 of 51 Press Releases

Jun 04, 2011
Terry Murray, Managing Partner of Performance Transformation, introduces Equine Facilitated Learning workshops for leadership development and team building at the annual American Society for Learning and Development conference.

May 25, 2011
Terry Murray, author of "The Transformational Entrepreneur ~ Engaging The Mind, Heart, & Spirit For Breakthrough Business Success" will be interviewed by Joseph Dobzynski at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on May 26th, 2011.

May 10, 2011
Performance Transformation, LLC, the strategic development and professional coaching company, will be partnering with Winning With Horse Power to introduce their Equine Facilitated Learning workshops to more than 8,000 training professionals at ASTD.

Apr 22, 2011
Performance Transformation, LLC announces the release of the book trailer for "The Transformational Entrepreneur - Engaging The Mind, Heart, & Spirit For Breakthrough Business Success".

Apr 10, 2011
Terry Murray's innovative, experiential learning program demonstrates how the soft skills in nursing can save hard dollars for America's health care providers.

Apr 04, 2011
Acclaimed best-selling author and pioneering personal development expert Linda Kohanov endorses Terry Murray's book, "The Transformational Entrepreneur - Engaging The Mind, Heart, & Spirit For Breakthrough Business Success".

Mar 07, 2011
Terry Murray, the Founder and Managing Partner of Performance Transformation, LLC, releases new title designed to help entrepreneurs and start-up businesses accelerate growth, profits, and sustainability in a mindful, conscious manner.

Feb 09, 2011
Team building, leadership development, and sales training programs featuring Equine Facilitated Learning highlighted on educational website.

Jan 24, 2011
Performance Transformation, LLC launches comprehensive, evidence-based leadership development programs that deliver breakthrough improvements in productivity, innovation, and profitability.

Jan 21, 2011
Performance Transformation launches innovative alternative to traditional team building programs. The evidence-based workshop aligns tangible business objectives with skills building proven to cultivate creativity, communication, and cooperation.

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