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Sit 'n Stay Global LLC Press releases

1 - 4 of 4 Press Releases

Jun 03, 2012
Sit 'n Stay Global specializes in traveling with pets on private jets, providing flight attendants trained in pet first aid, CPR and in-flight safety protocols.

Jan 27, 2011
Sit 'n Stay Global has developed safety protocols that extend the usual safety procedures for humans to Service Animals and Cabin Pets traveling on board commercial flights. Now Service Animals will be as safe as their human companions.

Jan 24, 2011
Sit 'n Stay Global is releasing its new program to train any flight crew in its Pet Safety Protocols. Now other flight crews can be prepared to assist the pet family members on board their aircraft in the event of an emergency or incident.

Aug 31, 2010
More people are enjoying bringing Fido along on the private jet, but not paying any attention to safety measures for their beloved pets, too often with dreadful results. Finally safety protocols have been standardized for pets in the cabin.

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