Plum11, Inc. Press releases
Nov 19, 2012
On Saturday, December 8th at Reno High School from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., dozens of local volunteers will donate their services, free of charge, to those in need in order to provide professional family photos for homeless and low-income families.
Oct 03, 2012
On Friday September 28th 2012, Plum Influence Magazine, announced the top ten honoree award winners within the Plum100, which spotlights the 100 most influential people within Sparks, Reno, Carson City and Incline Village.
Aug 16, 2012
Franchise Essentials Magazine is looking for stories for the remainder of the 2012 editorial year. Topics include; sales tips, franchisor and franchisee communication, case studies and wraps up with an industry yearbook special edition.
Aug 03, 2012
The Plum100 is an upcoming award celebration that recognizes the 100 most influential people of the Reno/Tahoe region. On September 28th, Plum Influence Magazine will award the top leaders within each of the ten categories at the Atlantis Casino.
May 22, 2012
Business alliance creates new franchise industry focused digital magazine, Franchise Essentials. The magazine is designed to give decision makers clear how to tools in order to make better decisions toward unit economics and overall business growth.
Apr 10, 2012
Top local publication and branding company Plum11, Inc., urges at least 11 other like-minded companies to invest their time and energy into the upcoming Moms on the Run event held on Sunday, May 13th 2012.
Apr 09, 2012
Reno based Publishing and Brand Development Agency partners with renowned photographer Jeramie Lu to release a new Reno eMagazine. The Plum magazine will feature front line savvy interviews with professional game changers who lead their industry.
Mar 26, 2012
Online Publication and Brand Development Agency announces new blog site that conducts front line savvy interviews with professional game changers who lead their industry in both results and value-packed innovative processes.
Mar 22, 2012
Online Publication and Brand Development agency, hand picks the Ugliest Logo Contest Winner featured in their Plum eMagazine providing professionals with business facts to successfully attract ‘A’ grade customers who love their brand.
Mar 05, 2012
Leading edge business coach franchise releases its 1st quarter eMagazine issue, Take Action, providing Canadian business owners important strategies to successfully develop their business and accomplish powerful results.