Jul 22, 2011
So, where is Portugal heading now that it has some breathing space.
Jun 30, 2011
Can the new attitude towards the Greek bailout start a new contagion that positively impacts on the struggling economies of Europe.
May 30, 2011
The central Portugal property market is poised to take off again despite the economic woes.
Dec 07, 2010
A tornado has hit several towns in central Portugal Tomar and Ferreira do Zezere have both been hit.
Nov 22, 2010
A recent trip down to the Cascais which is just South-west of Lisbon heralded a very pleasant trip back up the Silver Coast. The views and romantic surroundings will surely be attracting tourists and investors alike.
Nov 18, 2010
A brand new highway, Golf courses and some lakeside resorts are set to provide central Portugal with an extra boost.
Nov 08, 2010
Central Portugal gets business going with a new sense of camaraderie amongst expatriates and a new willingness to integrate into Portuguese culture.