Nov 14, 2024
Productivix, based in the Nord-Isère region of France, has just added to its track record of developing mobile applications the ability to create barcode reading applications for Apple, as well as for PCs running Linux, Windows or Apple.
Jun 19, 2024
Augmented reality mobile applications are no longer the preserve of large companies with high budgets for integrating complex SDKs: Productivix makes these functions available to SMEs for mobile data entry, barcode quality control applications
Oct 20, 2023
Having identified that no 100% mobile barcode inventory management system existed on the Android software market, Productivix has launched such a modular application on the VSE and SMI market (shops and distributors, craftsmen).
Feb 20, 2023
The company Productivix breaks the barrier of access to fast barcode and QR code reading and multi-reading both on the specific scanners of professional Android and on the cameras of "commercial" Android.