Aug 28, 2014
Racism does not only come in the form of bullets fired by a police officer. Gentrification and cutting off of water to minority residents in predominantly African American communities is simply another form.
Jul 08, 2014
PDA Calls On Public To Organize Town Hall Meetings With The Unemployed, And Calls On Congress To Pass “Emergency” Job Creation And Training Legislation Now To Address Crisis; And Bring Rep. Conyer’s Jobs For All Bill, HR 1000, For A House Vote
May 30, 2014
PDA Virginia chooses 8th Congressional District candidate from large field of candidates.
Apr 29, 2014
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is saddened to announce the passing of our founder, Tim Carpenter, who died at his home on Monday evening. He is survived by his wife Barbara Considine, and their two daughters, Sheila and Julia.
Apr 28, 2014
Progressive Democrats of America ERA Issue Team endorsed candidate Ronny Richards (OH-02). This is the first endorsement made by the team for the regular 2014 mid-term election.
Apr 13, 2014
Special Guests include: Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Jim McGovern, Mimi Kennedy, Thom Hartmann, John Nichols, Jim Hightower, Tom Hayden, Donna Smith and Michael Lighty.
Mar 12, 2014
The Better off Budget creates 8.8 milion jobs in the US and reduces the deficit by $4.08 trillion over the next 10 years; the TPP sends American jobs to other countries, raises the cost of prescription drugs and endangers our sovereignty.
Mar 10, 2014
Voting Rights hero, Ohio Senator Nina Turner, joins Appalachia civil rights progressives
Feb 24, 2014
Today SJ 78, a bill to ratify the stalled Equal Rights Amendment, was placed on the docket of the Elections subcommittee in the Virginia House. Could this signal GOP support for Constitutional pay equity?
Feb 19, 2014
Delegate Cole claims that he supports equality for women, yet refuses to allow even a committee hearing on the ERA bill.