May 05, 2012
In THE BREAKAWAY, a young adult novel by Michelle Davidson Argyle, seventeen year old Naomi Jensen falls in love with one of her kidnappers
May 03, 2012
Author Michelle Davidson Argyle has always been fascinated with suspenseful stories about Stockholm Syndrome, and her latest young adult novel, The Breakaway, explores that very subject.
May 01, 2012
Author Michelle Davidson Argyle's newest novel, The Breakaway, launches today amid much anticipation
Jan 20, 2012
In response to the growing fad of owning werewolves as pets, Senator Wooten institutes the W.O.C. (Werewolf Oversight Committee).
Jan 19, 2012
Author Douglas R. Brown will be interviewed by Mindy Drayer and Marshall McPeek on the NBC4 Morning Show in Columbus, Ohio for his newest novel TAMED.
Nov 30, 2011
Author Karen Amanda Hooper shares how the movies SPLASH and CLASH OF THE TITANS helped her debut novel TANGLED TIDES make waves in the reading world last week.
Nov 25, 2011
Yara Jones is a human pulled to the depths of the ocean and into the tangled relationships between merfolk and selkies in Karen Amanda Hooper’s debut novel, Tangled Tides.
Nov 04, 2011
Chinese rights to all of Rhemalda Publishing’s titles have been contracted to Three Youths Media Agency Shenzhen China.
Jul 06, 2011
Indonesian rights to WITCH SONG by Amber Argyle has been sold to Serambi Publishing in Jakarta Selatan Indonesia.
Apr 04, 2011
Rhemalda Publishing is giving away 300 free books to people willing to help promote them.