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Robbie Thomas Offices Press releases

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Oct 25, 2012
Award Winning Journalist Martha Decker, who writes for the Examiner, gives Parasylum The Trilogy Begins, 5 Stars saying, "It will scare your pants off and leave you frantically waiting for Book Two!"

Oct 05, 2012
Enter the mindscape that transforms dreams into nightmares and nightmares into reality. Welcome to Parasylum, where what may seem impossible, is possible and what might be sinister, is just plain evil. This captivates and says it all!

May 11, 2012
Time Shift is a fictional book based on a factual event that took place back in 2011. Imagine when time collides with a paradigm, which takes mankind in many directions of fate. Time will tell as you enter the Time Shift.

Oct 11, 2010
Robbie Thomas Psychic Criminal Profiler is now also a Best Selling Author with his new book release, Paranormal Encounters.

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