Jul 11, 2014
The upcoming FREE Grainger County Tomato Festival will feature many local authors that will autograph their books as well as numerous arts and crafts.
Apr 21, 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Claus are taking some well deserved time off and heading to Pilot Mountain, North Carolina to celebrate Mayfest for Mother's Day Weekend.
Apr 15, 2014
Santa Claus has a diverse palette and loves a good mushroom as much as anyone. And when an entire festival is built around this delicacy, well then Santa Claus must make an appearance!
Apr 14, 2014
Santa Claus loves spring like anyone else. And this year he is going to celebrate it big time at the Spring Fling in Spartanburg, SC on May 2nd through 4th. He will actually be selling and signing his Santa Claus Trilogy novels at the event.
Apr 08, 2014
Midway between Atlanta and Charlotte is an event that has drawn tens of thousands for the last 30 years. And this year Santa Claus will be drawn to it as well. On April 19th the Pickens Azalea Festival will once again bring beauty to the Southeast.
Apr 08, 2014
This weekend the fully staged production of Bellini's Norma will be performed at the Tennessee Theater in Knoxville. Santa Claus will be helping support the production by appearing at the Rossini Festival at Gay Street and Market Square in Knoxville.
Mar 26, 2014
We may finally be seeing the first stirrings of spring, but Santa Claus is never very far away. Sunday March 30th he pays a visit to Oneida, Tennessee to autograph his books.
Jan 13, 2014
Because of a polar shift and global warming, Santa Claus and his village at the North Pole must flee for their lives. Where will they move to?
Dec 03, 2013
Joe Moore author of the Santa Claus Trilogy will make a brief appearance before the Knoxville Christmas Parade on Friday, December 6th. He will be at the Union Book Store in downtown Knoxville from 2-4 pm.
Nov 17, 2013
All's well that ends well may not be good enough in the case of the book printing behemoth Lightning Source. They still may be on Santa's Naughty List despite protestations.